Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. Секция конференции «Векторы–2023»

Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. Секция конференции «Векторы–2023»

С 21 до 23 апреля 2023 года в Шанинке пройдет международная конференция молодых ученых «Векторы–2023». Мы приглашаем вас принять участие в секции и выступить с докладом. 

Формат: академическая секция, онлайн
Язык: английский
Руководители: Михаил Белов (МВШСЭН), Мария Ерофеева (МВШСЭН)


Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis (EMCA) are two distinct approaches to human social interaction. They are based on the premise that people orient to the minutiae of how social action is produced taking into account fine grained details of both speech (pauses, overlaps, intonation, inbreaths etc.) and embodied conduct (gaze, body posture, gesture, object manipulation). People do so to make sense of the meanings of social actions implied by co-participants (i.e. what they are doing - greeting, storytelling, complaining). EMCA are aimed at unveiling formal structures of social action and their interactional relevance.

The special focus of our section is current debates in these fields of study, such as multimodality and multisensoriality, epistemics, materiality, intercorporeality, and non-human social interaction. We invite scholars who are inspired by the complexity and elegance of social interaction and engaged in research applying EMCA approaches to share their findings and join the discussion. 

Направления секции:

  • Multimodality and multisensoriality
  • Epistemics
  • Materiality
  • Intercorporeality
  • Non-human social interaction
  • Everyday and institutional encounters


  • Marjorie Harness Goodwin
  • Nils Klowait

Как подать заявку?

Заявки принимаются на почту до 29 марта 2023 года. Тема письма: “Векторы-23_10”. Пожалуйста, укажите в вашей заявке:
  • ФИО
  • тему доклада
  • аффилиацию и статус исследователя (студент, магистрант, аспирант, независимый исследователь, практик)
  • адрес электронной почты и номер телефона
  • тезисы доклада (до 500 слов)

Список литературы:

  1. Goodwin, C. (2010). Multimodality in human interaction. Calidoscópio, 8. 85-98. 10.4013/cld.2010.82.01.
  2. Goodwin, C. (2018). Why Multimodality? Why Co-Operative Action? (transcribed by J. Philipsen). Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 1. 
  3. Goodwin, M. H. (1980). He-said-she-said: Formal cultural procedures for the construction of a gossip dispute activity. American Ethnologist 7(4), 674–695. 
  4. Have, P.T. (1999). Doing Conversation Analysis: A Practical Guide. SAGE.
  5. Mondada, L. (2014). The local constitution of multimodal resources for social interaction. Journal of Pragmatics, 65, 137–156. 
  6. Mondada, L. (2016). Challenges of multimodality: Language and the body in social interaction. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 20, 336-366.
  7. Sacks, H., Schegloff, E. A., & Jefferson, G. (1974). A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking for conversation. Language, 50, 696–735. 
  8. Sidnell, J., & Stivers, T. (Eds.). (2005). Multimodal interaction. Special issue for Semiotica, 156.
  9. Sidnell, J., & Stivers, T. (Eds.). (2012). The handbook of conversation analysis. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell.

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