Behavioral political economy. Секция конференции «Векторы–2023»

Behavioral political economy. Секция конференции «Векторы–2023»

С 21 до 23 апреля 2023 года в Шанинке пройдет международная конференция молодых ученых «Векторы–2023». Мы приглашаем вас принять участие в секции и выступить с докладом. 

Формат: академическая секция, онлайн
Язык: английский
Руководители: Михаил Зельдин (МВШСЭН, Ariel University, Israel), Анастасия Плинер (МВШСЭН)


Political decision-making is always a thrilling act of balancing between freedom and safety concerns. Since behavioral economists discovered the wonderworking force of nudge, it became an issue for policymakers how to put it to good use. The knowledge about limits of human rationality made it even harder to define the limits of appropriate state intervention. On the one hand, the policymakers should take responsibility for helping citizens choose what is good for them when it comes to health and money. On the other hand, what looks like a revelation for economists was never a secret for politics: the rationality of policymakers is bounded as well. The idea of libertarian paternalism, suggested by R. Thaler and C. Sunstein in 2003, showed how to implement nudging in public policy - but it was just the start.

Though numerous findings of behavioral economics have been adopted recently by the private sector, behavioral political economy is still searching for its trajectories. While the knowledge about human traits and aspirations is expanding continuously, it still needs guidance from the traditional political economy, - and, hopefully, vice versa.

We call behavior scientists and specialists in political economy/public policy for discussion about the prospective ways of the development of this field of study and its current state.

Направления секции

  • Поведенческая экономика 
  • Political economy / public policy

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  • адрес электронной почты и номер телефона
  • тезисы доклада (до 500 слов)

Список литературы 

  • Ambrosino, A. and S. Fiori (2018). Ideologies and beliefs in Douglass North's theory. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 25 (6), 1342–1369.
  • Benartzi, S., Beshears, J., Milkman, K. L., Sunstein, C. R., Thaler, R. H., Shankar, M., Tucker-Ray, W., Congdon, W. J., & Galing, S. (2017). Should Governments Invest More in Nudging? Psychological Science, 28(8), 1041–1055
  • Bendor, J., J. A. Krosnick, I. C. A. Chiang, and T. H. Stark (2016). Political Psychology: New Explorations, Chapter: Aspiration-Based Models of Politics. Frontiers of Social Psychology. Taylor & Francis.
  • Camerer, C. F., Dreber, A., Forsell, E., Ho, T.-H., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Almenberg, J., Altmejd, A., Chan, T., Heikensten, E., Holzmeister, F., Imai, T., Isaksson, S., Nave, G., Pfeiffer, T., Razen, M., & Wu, H. (2016). Evaluating replicability of laboratory experiments in economics. Science, 351(6280), 1433–1436.
  • Cherepanov, V., T. Feddersen and A. Sandroni, (2013) "Revealed Preferences and Aspirations in Warm Glow Theory," Economic Theory 54(3), 501-535.
  • Chetty, Raj. 2015. "Behavioral Economics and Public Policy: A Pragmatic Perspective." American Economic Review, 105 (5): 1-33.
  • Del Ponte, A., Kline, R., & Ryan, J. (2020). Behavioral Analysis in the Study of Politics: The Conflict Laboratory. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.
  • Erev, I., & Haruvy, E. (2016). 10. Learning and the Economics of Small Decisions. The Handbook of Experimental Economics, Volume Two.
  • European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 25 (6), 1342–1369
  • Fehr, E. and K. Schmidt (2005), "The Economics of Fairness, Reciprocity and Altruism – Experimental Evidence and New Theories," in Handbook on the Economics of Giving, Reciprocity and Altruism.
  • Hillman, Arye. (2010). Expressive Behavior in Economics and Politics. European Journal of Political Economy. 26. 403-418. 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2010.06.004.
  • Jost, J. T. (2006). The end of the end of ideology. American Psychologist 61 (7), 651–670.
  • Kahan, Dan M., Ideology, Motivated Reasoning, and Cognitive Reflection: An Experimental Study (November 29, 2012). Judgment and Decision Making, 8, 407-24 (2013), Cultural Cognition Lab Working Paper No. 107, Yale Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 272,
  • Kapeliushnikov R. Behavioral economics and new paternalism // Russian Journal of Economics. 2015. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 81-107.
  • Oliver, A. (2019), Towards a New Political Economy of Behavioral Public Policy. Public Admin Rev, 79: 917-924.
  • Oliver, Adam (2022) A debate on the behavioural limits of the state. Journal of European Public Policy. ISSN 1350-1763.
  • Ortoleva, P. and E. Snowberg (2015), "Overconfidence in Political Behavior," American Economic Review 105(7), 504-35. : 3071–3083.
  • Sunstein, C. R., & Reisch, L. (2014). Automatically Green: Behavioral Economics and Environmental Protection. Harvard Environmental Law Review, 38(1), 127-158.
  • Van Winden, F. (2015), "Political Economy with Affect: On the Role of Emotions and Relationships in Political Economics," European Journal of Political Economy 40, 298–311.

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